Revealing potential

Archive for August, 2011

Global Systemic Crisis: Fear or Hope ?

Global Systemics - Triple Accounting

Global Systemics - Triple Accounting

Markets are shaking, managements and companies are put in danger, employment is made vulnerable, people are heading unknown and stressing. Economic growth is slowing down. Well, isn’t it precisely the best option for the planet?
When we flash-back 3 years, let’s see what was the learning of this financial shock for people.
1. At first: fear and unknown rise: emotional and knowledge liabilities roze.
2. Then, we became more engaged, more creative, more respectful for what earth is giving us, for the “common good”.
3. We came up with new solutions, freed from conditioning and limiting beliefs.

When you look carefully at the “Global Systemics” balance sheets, there is, yes, a down of values because of liabilities that rize in a first phase. But every time, it stimulates people to innovate, get out of limiting beliefs, reconnect with their roots, resources, ideas, creativity, and respect a little more the “common project” and the earth which feeds us.

So I’m particularly optimistic in the perspective of the next months and years. We will be pulled out-of-comfort zones, and that’s exactly how we can become more creative. Urgency will mobilize potential and connect us with what’s truly important.

The center of the systems is the emotional balance sheet: positive heart values, trust, love, passion, engagement, motivation… By connecting us to our emotional intelligence, we’ll become more intelligent, use more of our brain, and come up with more connected attitudes and ideas.

With this content GS exel sheet, you can fill-in what is your personal situation, and potential, what is your companies’ and how it positions itself in your community, city or country.

So basicly I believe a shock is the best that can happen to us. It will stop frenetic growth addiction, stop pullution and toxin production, stimulate our creativity for new solutions, engance our love for people and earth, enhance respect for commun good project and earth.

Michel de Kemmeter
UHDR UniverseCity